In 1940, in the grounds of Foxley Manor, Mansell Lacy, Herefordshire (now demolished) saw the arrival of the 2nd Canadian Pioneer Battalion. They built the first camp of 26 huts from Canadian timber which had been shipped over with them. The camp was then used by a series of US and Canadian troops in the build up to D-Day.
IIn 1952, the huts were put up for sale, described as “substantially constructed of 10” x ¾ “ tongued and grooved boarding and covered with felt”. In August 1952, £535 was made available by Presteigne Memorial Committee to cover the cost of 2 huts and their removal by a deadline of mid-September 1952. This was carried out by volunteers and Kington contractor, Frank B May. The services of architect, Mr Herbert John Powell of Scriven, Powell and James, Hereford, were retained.
The hall was completed and opened by Lady Delia Venables-Llewellyn on Whitsun Bank Holiday, 25th May 1953 with a Whist Drive and Dinner Dance to Len Philbeams Famous London Ballroom Orchestra.